Originally Posted by PastorTLArt
Share away AreYouReady, maybe you need to start a new thread called Loony "Apostolic" teachings!
Not a good idea PTLA. There are many sincere people here and I truly do not want to offend them. There are also many who are sincere to do their best to preach biblical truth and it's not fair to them for people that would read my looney teaching thread to think that all OP preachers teach looney stuff. Not all do and I do not want to cast a bad report upon them.
This is just two of the pastors that I have interacted with in my region and part of the reason I walked away from Apostolic Churches....but did not walk away from God. Like some here said, some learn from the preachers of long ago and do not change their stance despite culture and context.
I still believe in Baptism in Jesus Name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. I get lonely sometimes, but God sustains me.
If I ever find love and acceptance in an OP church for just who I am, just the way I am, I would run there for fellowship and Bible study in a heartbeat!