Re: I love not being Apostolic!!!
Originally Posted by houston
I love not being Apostolic! Several of you are Apostolic in name only. Closet something else.
Come out! Come out! What are you afraid of? There is liberty! There is peace! There is joy!
Lay down the shackles of LEGALISM! Stop the mental gymnastics trying to make the Bible say something that YOU KNOW it doesn't say!
His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Enter into the rest of the Lord!
AMEN, Amen and a thousand times, AMEN!!!!
Apostolic is an understanding that God has finally and completely revealed Himself to all mankind through His incarnation as Jesus Christ. He has revealed to all a way of life, love and forgiveness that leads to a right relationship with Him and with each other.
~Repairing the Apostolic Church, Apostle W. Carey & Bishop N. Morales