01-23-2013, 12:06 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,369
Re: I love being Apostolic!
Originally Posted by crakjak
Some say God cannot tolerate sin.
But the fact is he has been tolerating it for many generations. God doesn't need your list to protect His righteousness, He has covered all sin with the blood.
Sin will not be completely removed from the creation until God becomes all in all. That will be when HE thru Jesus Christ eradicates it from His creation, there is nothing you can do with your list to help Him get it done. It is His workmanship, when death is finally defeated, what you would sincerely like to help along will finally be completed, but this is God's world and His work, he could remove all sin today if that was His plan, but it is not.
The contrast between good and evil, is serving His purpose, He will complete it. He tells us to owe no man anything but to love.
Why don't we actually do what He says, if you will study the gospels, the life of Jesus, you will find that He never condemned sinners, like we are so high developed in doing. BUT, NOW GET THIS, HE REBUKED THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR ABUSING THE FOLKS. IF WE WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS......???