Originally Posted by Insider
So glad you were able to encourage and help someone that was from TPC. Some people tend to see the just the bad in all things. I choose to see the good in all things.
I see, but better yet; God see His church people {TPC}, and He love this assembly of people, and God will see TPC though their trying/testinf time of stedfast FAITH in God. God places spiritual leadership in our lives to lead, guide, pray for, and to nurture, empower and equip His people for His glory, and for Kingdom Ministry here on earth, and if that leadership gets off course; God will steer the ship {correct leadership}, but if that leadership decides to go williflly against God's will; God will remove that leadership, and keep His people in His will, and continue to ORDER the steps of TPC, and all of His local {worldwide} churches. It's unfortunate when leadership looses their reverence, fear, and integrity in remaining faithful to God and His people; and leadership is accountable to the people they lead, and the community that's observing the Christ in us. There is a grave difference between having faults and shortcomings in our lives that God and His word can strengthen us and deliver us out of, and this blatant, willful, gross sin(s) that the are committed; I've experienced both, and have had to confess, and repent, and God was/is gracious to not only forgive, but to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. I've fellowship with TPC on for over 20 years, and great worships, moves of God and souls have been saved and prospered through the will of God. Your earlier post has blessed and helped so, so many; it helped my grieved spirit about this matter; moreso; the people of God that's left in the aftermath. We do have some that call us that's yet hurt and healing, and we lend our ears for venting, our hearts for comfort, and our prayers for God's consolation: TPC WILL NOT ONLY SURVIVE, BUT GO ON TO BE THAT BEACON OF LIGHT, HOPE, AND SALVATION FOR COUNTLESS OTHERS!!!