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Old 11-13-2012, 08:46 AM
solidrock solidrock is offline
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Re: Anyone Know Where Will Cohron is today?

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post

I am always amazed when someone stumbles across a years old thread that mentions something like a pastor falling into sin and stepping down from his church and if they happen to be a friend or related to him (usually way too young to actually know what happened in the incident mentioned) they get all indignant and want to rebuke those who may have discussed the incident.

In the process of trying to "protect" their friend or loved one they just bring their failure to the forefront again by bringing a thread that probably has not had any activity for a long time to page one for a lot of new folks to see.

Bottom line is that actions have consequences and one of them is that if you were a well known preacher who falls people are going to want to know what happened to you and where you are today.

My favorite UPC preacher when I was young in the 70's (not WC) has now gone through divorce number three yet considers himself a "father" to younger ministers and "mentors" them. Yikes! One of his "sons" in the ministry is a guy I went to Bible college with who has now gone through divorce number two himself so I guess my old favorite preacher is leading by example!
Really, you guys? There were posts in this thread from 2011 and 2012. Besides, I saw this thread a couple years ago and only decided to reply when I saw there was a post from July of this year.

Anyway, y'all were wondering where Bro Cohron is today. Now you know.
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