Thread: Wedding Rings
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Old 05-19-2007, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
And YOU have NOT told us what moderation is and what would be in violation of the passage or is it impossible to violate the passage?????? want me to define moderation for you so you can define costly for me? Will I go to hell based on YOUR definition of costly? Or will YOU go to hell based on MY definition of costly? Or maybe an Ethiopean's definition of costly? See how the straining at a gnat really gets absurd? You set arbitrary, non bible based standards for what is costly or not. Does the bible give like a percentage or a dollar range to know what is costly and what is not? Who decides that? See once again that should be enough logic for anyone to realize that Paul and Peter are NOT forbidding ornaments, even cheap plastic ones or saying you should buy clothes at Walmart only and never ever at Macy's because it costs too much.

That alone should make everyone realize that this verse can't be used to force a subjective standard on people and make it a heaven or hell issue.

You want to know what moderation is? It's in between. It's not overboard. It's not something so costly that you get arrogant about it, go into dept, feel you are more important because you can afford it. Hows that? Same thing can be applied to houses and cars and dress shoes.

Moderation avoids excess. Excess in drinking wine results in drunkeness

Eph 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit,
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