Originally Posted by renee819
No, but he was telling them and us, how to be saved. And Jesus said, unless we are born of the water and the Spirit/Holy Ghost, we can not be saved. And Jesus taught the apostles how to be born again. And Peter explained it.
The question asked is "what shall we do?" The question is not "what shall we do
to be saved?" Anyway, Peter "commanded" them to Repent and be baptized because of the remission of sins.
Jesus said that you couldn't see the Kingdom of God. He did not say that you could not be saved.
Originally Posted by Red Solo Cup 819
The Nay-sayers skip over the plain examples of the Truth that proves the Pentecostal message, to grab on something that the Bible DOESN’T say. Trying to prove their point from a negative stance.
No one is trying to prove their point from a neg. stance, whatever that is supposed to mean. I'd rather make doctrine out of something specific rather than something implicit. I will not go the "better safe than sorry" route. I did that for too many years. I refuse to live in a box or to confine God to that box.