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Old 11-05-2012, 08:51 PM
IbelongtoJesus IbelongtoJesus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 12
Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Just wondering, but does the attached picture look like the face of a repentant man to you? Cause it sure doesn't to me. This is the profile picture he posted on FB October 24th. Kind of like he is mocking us all laid back in his nice expensive car, paid for with church funds(a new car every 3 yrs). I would have posted it before now, but he keeps getting on FB, updating his picture, and then deactivating his account, this has happened at least 3 times in the last month.

I previously have stated on this forum that he was a repentant man, and was given this information by a source very close to the situation. While he may have tried to seem repentant to them so he might possibly keep some of his public image intact, I do not believe his actions show that he is repentant. He has left TPC with VERY LITTLE money, and a mound of debt accrued by building a daycare on a property that we aren't even "supposed" to be staying at. Properties with taxes unpaid for 5-7 yrs, yet roughly 3 million in annual income for the church?? No new building, virtually non existent building fund, a partially complete 1.3 million dollar daycare(not sure why, because it isn't THAT nice) and very little left in the general fund. YET, he wants the church to pay him a severance package in excess of $250,000?!?! Doesn't seem like he is all too repentant to me.

I withdrawal my previous posts.
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Last edited by IbelongtoJesus; 11-05-2012 at 08:53 PM.
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