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Old 11-02-2012, 08:36 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Peacemaker View Post
That board is likely caught in between a rock and a hard place. Some people want to know everything that they know. Others probably don't want any information shared at all. The people who want to know everything will accuse them of covering sin. The people who don't want to know anything will accuse them of touching the Lord's anointed. The real job of a board caught up in a disaster is to try to keep as much of the people together, look for solutions to problems, and keep the church going at some level until they can get a long term solution.
Regardless of what decisions are made, they will be criticized.
I see what you are saying, but if the board knew of sin and deception, and they STILL agreed to a severance, there is a problem here.

That is not a "rock and hard place" situation...that is coverup and payoff.

So now inquiring minds want to know why?

None of our business? Sure, but when someone, anyone takes bold stands against sin, or what they perceive to be sin, but is in reality hiding a life of corruption, they have put their own life on 'Front Street'.

A sinning pastor should not be given one cent to hit the road. His main concern should be the salvation of his soul and that of his family, and not about how is he gonna get by without the big pay check.

This is shameful on so many levels...
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