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Old 11-02-2012, 05:36 AM
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StillStanding StillStanding is offline
Beautiful are the feet......

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Originally Posted by Tlswift2009 View Post
I AGREE with you 100%. I come from a terrible Memphis Apostle's manipulation, and abuse-it almost desroyed me, but my affectons were deeply rooted and anchored in Jesus; I was terribly wounded for many years, but God healed me, and I'm a man that practice, and exercise great discretion when dealing with God's sheep, and I've made it my business NEVER to abuse, nor injure God's people. I'm working on a book right now entitled, "Surviving Church Abuse And Betrayal". My wife and I despise abusive leadership towards God's people, and we will fight to DEFEND God's people from abusive pastors/leadership. Many, many Pastors start off well, but get lifted up, and far too comfortable with things in the church that should not be in their control: church finances should be handled soley by the trustees and/or deacon board. I believe that the Pastor should be given mtgs/reports on how the church is fairing financially, but should not handle the monies, plus-the IRS frowns down on this as well. Our job as Pastors is to FEED the Flock of God, and to be tendered and loving to them; even those that seems to have a little goat in them-this is our charge; to feed-nurture-pray for-uplift-encourage-reprove-etc; when we spend out time in our calling, and exercising disciplne in our lives, and truly remain trnasparent; then God will be pleased.
You have a good and godly spirit!
Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
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