Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Several of the church members have rightfully been expressing confusion at this whole situation, so the church board is calling a members only meeting to explain the situation.
That's good to hear. Let every question be answered. Let people emote. The board needs to brace themselves for some anger and people getting things off their chest. They need to not take it personal. They know what they know, they've seen what they've seen. They did the right thing. Their character will stand on it's own and God knows who is in the right here. They need to be prepared to share what lies ahead so that there can be some sense of security that things are moving toward the goal of stability and a new pastor.
People on here, who do not attend the church, seem to know way more than over half of the congregation at TPC. TPC has been known to keep the congregation in the dark on many things. If you are not for lack of a better term "in crowd," then the general feeling is that you don't have a right to know. They keep all business meetings quiet. It's always been a little off kilter to me. I didn't care to know or be involved in the business side. I just wanted to go to a place to worship and be spiritually fed. I do think in this situation, I have a right to know the truth of what is going on.
Not unusual for churches that belong to a denomination with an elitist mentality. What works in the politics of the denomination works in the politics of the local church. It's a cultural thing. The culture of the UPC is riddled with the "in crowd" preachers. They actually have, or used to even recently, VIP rooms at the arenas at conference where the "in crowd" would go to for finger foods, pate, shrimp cocktail, etc that only people with special passes were allowed in. A friend of mine was with a guy who had one of these passes and went in the VIP room and a high UPC official asked what he was doing in there and made him feel very uncomfortable for showing up at the country club without a membership. So he left somewhat embarassed. It's stupid to make church on any level exclusive. But that's what kings do---the people are there to serve their needs not the other way around.
There are a lot of things in this church that certain people were allowed to do or get away with, because of money or status. I am not going to address them here, but I hope that once a new pastor is installed, everyone will be treated equally. Continue to pray for TPC and the Black family. I do not know what they are dealing with right now, but I know they need a lot of prayers.
Another typical dynamic. Double standards. Holiness and righteousness preached and enforced until someone in the family falls or someone who is a big giver has personal issues, then exceptions are made and a lot of talk about mercy and love and giving people second chances.