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Old 10-17-2012, 06:17 PM
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Re: Tongues: Spiritual or Learned Behavior?

Scotty wrote,
To study the activity of the brain one has to be hooked to some sort of machine to measure this activity during a time when one is speaking in tongues.

I have a seriously problem believing that God is going to move on someone while being a part of some experiment to detect his presence

Scotty, if we were talking about receiving the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues, your Post would be right on. People can not do that at any time.

However, when a person has the Gift of unknown tongues, they can speak those unknown tongues any time that they want to.

I know by experience. I got the Holy Ghost when I was a teen. Ever once in a while in serious prayer, maybe 2 or 3 times a yr. I would get a refilling.

About 5 yrs later, one night at church, we were all praising God around the alter. I rasised my hands and was praising God, when all of a sudden I started speaking in tongues. Well I kept on and on, as long as everyone was praying. After we got home, I put my family to bed and went into the living room and knelt down and started speaking in tongues again, Seems that I never could get finished, I spoke until 1or 2 am.

For several days, anytine I would think about it and start praying, I would speak in tongues. Day and night, I didn’t know what it was.
Finally I went to my Pastor and asked, Bro ----- What would make a person start speaking in tongues just any time, and never feel like they were finished?

He looked at me kinda odd and said, “Sister, I don’t know why anyone would do that.”
Later, after I studied my Bible and found out that what I had was the gift of tongues, I was surprised that my Pastor didn’t know the difference.
I am still surprised that many Pentecostal’s don’t know the difference in Speaking in Other tongues and the Gift of tongues.
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