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Old 10-17-2012, 04:06 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Tongues: Spiritual or Learned Behavior?

Let's also take the scientific studies about vitamins.

There was one study in particular about Vitamin E. A long time ago they did studies about how vitamin E is an important anti oxidant and beneficial to the heart...the entire body for good health.

Then some years later the 'scientific' community came out that taking prolonged dose of vitamin E could be lethal.

Why such a discrepancy? Because there are supplemental industries out there who make synthetic isomer vitamins and pass them off as natural. The human body cannot use a synthetic vitamin and the ingredients (some of which contain petroleum) either deposits somewhere into the body or passes on through. So buying synthetic vitamins is like pouring new wine into old skins. It just goes on through without any benefit. Scientific studies do not alway reveal how they study a case. In this case, they studied what a synthetic vitamin E will do to a body, but did not specify to the public the difference between natural and synthetic vitamin E and why they used the synthetic version in this particular study.

Why they did not reveal this important factor is known only to the one doing the study. The public does not have the knowledge of the differences in this vitamin.

Here is what an expert has to say about this 'scientific study'.

Finally, not one of the studies used natural kind of vitamin e antioxidant. Vitamin E Antioxidant is a mix of tocopherols: alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Only alpha- tocopheral was applied. Not only that, nevertheless the synthetic isomeric form, D, L-alpha tocopherol was applied in the majority of the studies. Natural vitamin e antioxidant will come in only the D isomeric form. The synthetic L form is not produced in character and can hinder the benefits of natural D form.

My point to all this is:

It is always wise to study out and listen to several points of view both pro and con for any particular study and decide for yourself who presents a more accurate information.

Those who do not believe in a Supreme Creator can and do skew studies to prove their point.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
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