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Old 10-16-2012, 09:21 AM
Enigmatically Ambiguous Enigmatically Ambiguous is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
My point is that it isn't a question about any one group, whether they do more or less, if ultraconservatives were doing it more than any other Pentecostal group, then the secular media with be prancing around holding aloft their severed heads. Just as they do with Muslims, and Roman Catholics.

I believe we are going to be circling the wagons maybe sometime soon (not speaking eschatologically) but this country is becoming extremely liberal, and the flood gates will open to an extent that no matter if you are a Cruzeematic, or an Ultra-ultraconservative we all we have the wolves looking at us like we are the same raw pork chop.

This issue goes beyond the acts of immorality. The issue is with individuals who aggressively project themsleves as defenders of the faith, defenders of the movement, defenders of holiness, crusaders of Apostolic Identity (I've been told that the term "Apostolic Identity" was coined in Memphis), who have politicked, and crucified people, publicly humiliated people, behind the scenes defamed people's character, manipulated to get their way at District functions, at General Conferences, at Youth Congresses. How someone would have the gall to be mean-spirited, unmerciful, controlling and intimidating all the while garnishing the admiration of his local church as a hero, earning the respect of the org to the degree to be an international speaker, camp meeting preacher, conferences, men's retreats, singles conferences and other large gatherings---being appointed to powerful commissions and committees, and having access to high elected officials who would listen to and even implement his ideas---to be so with haughtiness and arrogance, and in private doing the things that were done is one of the most amazing examples of hypocrisy I've witnessed in my 60+ years. And not one Spirit-filled leader or friend in ministry discern for a second something seriously wrong with the fruit is perplexing.

I recognized hypocrisy and tried to warn people of it, but only to the degree that his expectation that people live according to the manual wasn't reflected in his own personal life (i.e. attending pro ball games, watching television, allowances for looser living on vacations and other innocuous violations). It was hypocrisy, yes, but I had no clue to how deep it ran.

It's not simply a symptom of conservative vs. liberal ideology. The problem is sin in the flesh. And when you have any individual with lots and lots of power and influence, with very little accountability, and an unwillingness to ever be challenged with questions, or audits or someone who might disagree or see things differently---it's a set up for a fall. And when the fruit of the ministry below the surface of shouting services and large crowds and big offerings and popularity is a track record of bullying, intimidation, back door politics and ruthlessness...someone with even a little bit of Holy Spirit should be able to look at that and say, "There is something wrong with this picture."

Do I believe he made some people in positions of power uncomfortable? Not only do I believe it, I know it. I had one on one conversations with elected officials who didn't like his style off the record, but no one would say anything to him. Why? Big offerings to the org, powerful friends and relationships, the good ole boys network...keeps a lot of people quiet. It just makes one wonder if it is symptomatic of political systems which the UPCI has as an underlying foundation. Maybe the NT model of men approved of God, spiritual consensus and appointment rather than elections, church size, offering amounts and democratic structure would serve the movement better. I don't know thatbi see much difference between Washington DC and Hazelwood sometimes.
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