Originally Posted by ILG
I think each situation is somewhat different. There are people who are born with ambiguous genitalia who at some point must choose their gender. God did not choose it for them and they don't know what they were from birth. A parent may have raised them one way and then they choose another.
That said, with some, it seems more cut and dried. However, I wonder with all the stuff being injected into our bodies, all the hormones they are putting in foods, all the GMO stuff, all the toxins in the air, all the pharmaceuticals in the water and I think we have to consider that there may be a biological/chemical reason people are confused about what gender they are. It may not be as cut and dried for some as it once would have been before our modern environment.
And of course there are people who are just perverted. However, I think there is a valid and scientific reason for compassion. None of this is easy.
As ILG said there are many factors that leave us without a solid answer. I worked in endocrinology for eight years and saw many patients that were born neither completely male nor female. I have also talked with patients with severe gender identity issues. All are not homosexual as in the case of a genotypically male (XY) who had been surgically resexed to female in childhood (easier to build a girl) and was now lesbian (by most people's standards).
I believe that God is genderless and so are our spirits. Our job is to love people regardless of their gender and the way to minister to the transgendered is the same as the way to minister to any other human. To share the message of God's love and let them and God work out the rest. Inserting our personal opinions into another person's life is just not required by God or needed by them. We do not have to be anyone's Holy Spirit... and I am personally thankful for that!