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Old 10-05-2012, 06:55 AM
LooneyLucy LooneyLucy is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by ttpaba View Post
I'd like to interject a reason why I think people get upset when they are the member of a congregation and it's discovered that there has been some serious immorality or err in judgement (any sin will do).
I think it's because we put our trust in pastors & leadership. We are aware they are human but in the same way you don't expect your spouse to have an affair, your child to be racist or your best friend to be a gossip but to a greater degree because they claim to have the congregation's best interest at heart. They claim to love us and pray for us. They counsel us and give us guidance. We look to them as an example of true Christianity but a level up since they have been called to lead!

Our home is having an ongoing conversation, here's the question we are batting around. Since pastors are human but held to a higher standard, at what level of sin are they to stay in the pulpit and handle the sin personally with God? When is the line crossed to be handled by a board, panel or other proper overseers? What line does a pastor have to cross to be "put out" of the pulpit or have a petition brought to the congregation?
EXACTLY! There was a church where the pastor married a widowed woman who already had a son. That pastor raised that boy as his own. Once the young man had finished Bible College and came home to assist for a couple years, his momma wanted HIM to be pastor and she began a witch hunt. She got her way, accusations flew to "kingdom come" and she divorced her husband so her son could "reign". Her son dropped dead a couple years later. Let GOD deal with sin, if there is any and YOU leave it alone.
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