Originally Posted by rgcraig
I think one glaring difference is the church shouldn't be a business.
Not to be argumentative, but the church absolutely is a business. The fact that many don't run it that way is the main reason pastors wind up in financial trouble.
A true business should keep in line with all accounting policies, and major decisions that affect the financial, social, and or spiritual welfare of the church should be discussed among all stakeholders, or in this case, tithe payers.
I do agree that a son or daughter should not be placed in a position of authority just because they are family, but also hold the position that they should not be EXCLUDED because they are family. There are times when the pastor's children shares the pastor's burden more than any outsider, and that son or daughter is absolutely the right person to be in a ministry role.
The Bible is replete with examples of the good and bad of children succeeding parents in ministry roles, so you can't take a broad brush to either position.
My experience has been that when it is right for a sibling to follow a parent into a ministry role, the congregation feels it and supports it.
In that way, it's extremly similar to a business. A business owner wants to put the person in to succeed them who will share the same passion and dedication that started the business in the first place.