Thread: Older than dirt
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Old 08-26-2012, 05:45 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Older than dirt

Gosh! I am older than dirt!

Mom would wash once a week with the wringer tub. It took up half the room.

I loved the metal ice trays!

My daddy worked for Studebaker before they left the country.

I looked at the S&H greenstamp book till it fell apart.

Blue flashbulbs were the next best invention along with sliced bread at that time.

My favorite Drive In was A&W Root beer.

I do not miss 45 rpms. 33 rpms either. Even older is the 78 rpms of which my brother collects.

Roller skates used to kill my feet and rip the soles of my shoes...but they were still fun! You had to have a key to tighten them to fit the shoe. Remember when you had to pull the toe and heels apart to stretch the skates to fit the length of the foot?

We didn't shoot peas through our peashooters. We shot spitballs. That was enough to clear the room of those who were not participating in the spitball fight.

The remembrance of the sprinkle bottle is one of the first and foremost signs that someone is older than dirt. It was before permanent press, polyester, rayon, spandex and all the other fabrics that we now wear. I like it better than the steam iron. Mom used to sprinkle the clothes with water, roll them up in a tight roll and return them to the laundry basket to 'soak'. in about 1/2 hour she would unravel clothes and iron piece at a time.

This was all during a time when the husband's salary was sufficient to support his family and the mother stayed home to raise the children if she desired to.
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