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Old 07-20-2012, 02:19 PM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: Badge of Honor? Trash talking other churches

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
Our closest UPCI churches do not fellowship each other at all.

The pastor from the bigger church calls the smaller church weak and says mean things about the pastor over the pulpit... members buy the tapes for the purpose of giving them to family who attend the smaller church who then give them to the pastor... He is a sweet and sensitive man and I know it has to really hurt his feelings. These are not young men... the pastor of the big church is in his late 70s and the other pastor is 60ish and grew up with the older pastors kids who are all preachers.

The kids from the smaller church can not even go to school at the bigger church because they are constantly pressured to 'come to a good church'... The whole thing had the net effect of totally disgusting me.

Biggest difference in standards... the pastor from the small church allows wedding rings and hair bows... everything else is the same.
Are you kidding me??? Ha! Sounds like we were part of the same section at one time.

What a joke and poor excuse of a "Christian" they are!
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