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Old 06-25-2012, 03:47 PM
HolyFire HolyFire is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
Perhaps you should have watched the entire message.

From my personal experience, sometimes preachers begin preaching a message with some very unusual statements and it leaves me sitting there tense. But by halfway through the message, he brings it all together and the context shifts.
I listened to enough. I've had the Holy Spirit baptism since I was 20, I'm 36 now. I've heard a lot of preaching and been in enough services and bucked up against a few spirits in my time (in church and in prayer). I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed spiritually, but comparing the Word and the spirit I felt while he was preaching - something was BAD OFF.

I am not going to share experiences to validate myself, but I will say this. I heard him several times a while back in Bro. Don Johnson's church in Memphis. No suspicious stuff. It was God. In my spirit, I feel something has happened to him the last year and a half or two years. Don't be surprised if something comes out about him in the future, if he doesn't change.

We aren't gods. Paul said in Romans 7:24 "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?".

Remember God killed Herod because he did not correct the people declaring Harod was a god in the book of Acts. We do not have God's DNA we can't have a gods joy/peace etc... Authority is delegated, but a god has his own authority and need none be delegated to him.

There is the Joy of the Lord coming from the Lord. It is not ours, it was given to us. Our DNA will not change until we are translated. That is my 4 cents.

I respect your opinion, but politely disagree.
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