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Old 06-25-2012, 12:45 PM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Yes, my grandmother was methodist...she used to tell me she shouted her hair down!
Sis. Alvear,
My late father remembered seeing his mother shout down her long hair in the Methodist church. Hairpins flew everywhere!
He also remembered her cutting her long hair, putting on bright red lipstick and putting on a chemise and dancing the Charlston. This was after her oldest brother, etc., who was in WWWI, came home and the little songs the soldiers sang was no doubt intimidating to the girls, wives, etc. at home.
"Oh the girls in Spain, they go naked in the rain", or "the girls in France, they wear hoocey, koocey pants"! So what might a girlfriend, wife, young mother do! They might try to get even (by trying to out-do the girls in Spain and France, if they didn't have the Holy Ghost to lead and guide them). And the truth had not yet come to their tiny town. But HE was on the way!
Dad said "Mother didn't look like my sweet Mother with this sudden change. So he craweled under the house in the space where their potatoes, onions, etc, were stored, and cried!

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