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Old 06-25-2012, 12:26 PM
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Margies3 Margies3 is offline
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

I KNOW I am going to take alot of flak for this observation before I even put it out here...........

but TV, when I read what you posted, the very first thought I had was that if I were in your Mom's shoes, I am not sure I would want you praying for me either. Not because I am an UC because I most certainly am NOT (I don't even go to an Apostolic church anymore). But you mentioned that you had distanced yourself from your mom before this happened - so much so that even tho she only lives 1/2 hour away from you, you had to hear from your sister 6 hours away that she was even in the hospital. And then, when you heard, did you go to her immediately? No, you waited until "the Holy Spirit prompted" you. Hello? This is your MOTHER!

I am trying very hard not to sound judgmental (I'm not not very successfully. Sorry about that). But what I would like is for you to consider this from your MOTHER's point of view: She has a son who lives a half hour away from her, who distances himself from her because he doesn't agree with the decisions she has been making (even tho she is an adult and has every right to make her own decisions), and who finds out that she is at the hospital with chest pains but doesn't come to her immediately and in fact doesn't even bother to show up until the Holy Spirit prompts him (on Sunday? That's over 5 days later!). I'm not sure I would appreciate your prayers either if I were in his shoes.

Again, I apologize for sounding so harsh. I just want you to consider this from HER point of view. Maybe it's time to examine YOUR heart?
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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