Originally Posted by acerrak
the methodist are the original holy rollers, they have holy ghost filled meetings as well, but your right she wont forget it and it will increase her faith.
Sorry about your mom, sounds like a pride issue. Its a difficult situation for you, you love her cause she is your mom but the other half of her pushes you away. She may not realize it, maybe try a heart to heart talk?
My Methodist grandmother (who's mother was a 48 year charter member of the Methodist church) heard an old white-haired preacher on the corner of their tiny town, in 1933. At first she got mad and sat out to prove that Pentecostal preacher wrong. She was a Bible reading, praying, Methodist lady, walking in all the truth she knew. She THOUGHT she knew all there was to know about the Word. But her preacher had never preached this message.
How can they hear without a preacher and how can he preach unless he be sent. Her preacher couldn't preach something he had never seen or received himself.
However, God wanted her to go further than she had ever gone before. God had already raised her from her death-bed in 1926,when she lay dying of typhoid fever. God answered her prayer when she asked "LORD, if you would see fit, let me live to raise my three children". My late father was 8 yrs, his brother, 5 yrs, and little sister, 2 1/2 yrs. Dad stood beside his father as the doctor said, "Tom, Lizzie's dying! See the blue on the feet and legs". But God heard my little Methodist grandmother's sincere prayer and let (allowed, permitted) her to raise her three young children. HE allowed her to hold my first grandson in 1983. She died in 1984, twenty days before her 87th birthday.
She was the first of our family to embrace the
Acts 2 message of salvation. What would have happened IF Grandma had died. But God knew she would follow through. When that old preacher came to their city, she heard, searched out , believed the WORD and repented, was baptized in Jesus Name and received the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the SPIRIT gave the utterance.
Grandma made a decision that would change the course of many generations of her family. Our two little Great-Grandchildren have begun the sixth generation. Their parents are walking in the same truth Grandma received and embraced in 1933. HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON!
GOD is still pouring out His Spirit, as of yesterday when a lady who had come her second time to our church, received the Holy Ghost, during the second song. Was baptized in Jesus Name and came out of the water, rejoicing and speaking in tongues again. GOD sees those who are open hearted and are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and HE is filling them with HIS SPIRIT!