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Old 03-17-2012, 11:18 AM
Melody Melody is offline
curious observer

Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 285
Re: The UPCI Needs a Healer

No Tulsa offices are still open..
Not sure what the "outside of Tulsa" statement means, there are very active, thriving churches, outside of Oklahoma.
Was anyone else there the day of the "final straw"?

I think Bro Bernard is doing a great job, but you can see there has been an overall affect...... Was it worth it? Even the writer of the resolution wanted to withdraw.... no in hindsight it probably wasn't,

Get back to the job of just preaching the gospel, it would be great if new ministers actually seemed to read the manual and everyone who decides to hold a license would adhere, (that said, you don't HAVE to apply and hold a fellowship card)

And if everyone thinks WPF ministers are wrong practice Galations 6:1....
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