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Old 02-28-2012, 06:43 PM
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On the road less traveled

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Re: How Happy are You?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
In a study of the importance of religion by state, all the top ten most religious states are in the bottom half of the happiness study, and 8 of the 10 least religious states are in the top half of the happiness study.
I wonder if religious affiliation has anything to do with the % of overweight or obese people in those states also?

One thing the Pentecostals I knew could do, and do VERY WELL was eat... There were NO restrictions on food in any of the churches I went to... and exercise was seen as futile bodily effort, because the Lord was coming back soon... no need to worry... we're going to be raptured out of here anyway, so eat to your heart's content...

And eating out after every service was a big social thing.... folks were in a hurry to get down to the local Pizza Hut or Chili's after just about every service ....
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