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Old 02-14-2012, 02:49 PM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Whitney Houston Dead!

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
probably meant for a black lady her voice was clear., doesnt have to meant comment is racial.

Like if a black person says that white boy sure is fast. Doesn't mean they are being racial, IMO.
I really do appreciate you trying to justify the statement. However, in my opinion statements like that are stereotypes and rooted in igorance. That is like saying that just because I'm black all I eat is fried chicken. Therefore, when I make and serve baked chicken I receive a compliment that says, that baked chicken sure was good to be prepared by a black woman.

In other words, we are all human and have the same anatomy and raspy voices don't happen bacause you are black.

Let's limit the ignorant generalizations and look at individual people and their ability and talent.
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