Thread: witchcraft
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Old 01-30-2012, 04:19 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
Not having ever seen the show I would not know how accurate they are with incantations, spells, sorcery, magic, spirits, etc.

I do believe that witchcraft is real, and it can have an effect on the unwary. This is especially true of the unsaved.

Thinking about it, I would say more likely witchcraft in the style of Frank Perretti when he wrote This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.
I would appreciate even an expanded def, then we might approach the spirit of witchcraft. I just don't find it accurately embodied in that angle, the Bewitched angle, although I understand it is practiced. But to get at the spirit I think you have to define what it is you are trying to do with a...spell, say. You are trying to change someone's mind? Does this work?

Or, Jay...?
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