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Old 01-29-2012, 04:07 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Book of Mormon obviously teaches oneness of Go

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
No Satan said that
Ha, I'm working this on two threads now. There is a scripture that paraphrased is "don't you know you are to be like a god" here on earth, or something. I'll hunt, it had to be NKJV...and yes, I know the other refs, but you can't say Moses was made a god to Pharoah by satan, so please; it will be in this same sense of Moses' godhead, which is just what it was, to pharoah, and you should get comfortable with being a god, in fact it would prolly improve everyone's bearing overnight, it is not a sacreligious thought to assume your place under Christ, in service, which is "like a god" to an observer, which doesn't mean you encourage this, or anything, just that it is. Um, the minute you start believing it, in a sense, lol, you've lost it, surely, but I'm pretty sure Scripture will bear this out.
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