Re: witchcraft
I would say that fear is a major weapon of Satan. I have often wondered about the scripture in Revelation where it talks about the man of sin being able to do mighty signs and wonders, and that perhaps even the elect would be deceived, in another passage where Jesus was speaking. I have prayed about this, and asked God how I would be able to know and discern. I certainly don't want to be among the elect who are deceived. God brought to my attention this fact. Satan uses fear as his major weapon. But perfect love casteth out all fear. Anyone that is living in fear, and is controlled by something, someone, or anything that brings fear, is not of God. The fear of God as proposed in another thread brings respect. Fear that is of Satan brings confusion, and distress.
I do believe the enemy uses fear as his main weapon to exert his control over people. I would say that could the deciding factor, and measuring stick to use.
Just my thoughts.