Thread: Church Planting
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Old 01-24-2012, 09:34 PM
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Re: Church Planting

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
There is that element that will not go for home assembly which is ok. Those that prefer home assembly tend to forget the role that an evangelist has. I feel that renting a building say twice a month is doable.
So true. As I've said before, one size does not fit all. It does take all kinds to make the world go round... but as people begin to see the failure of the church systems to do much more than make money, and control people, then perhaps home churches will become to America what they were to the people of the book of Acts. And if not, rented or low-cost buildings another option to consider.

Rudy... just because I am not familiar with your abbreviation I.C. - could you clarify what that is. Thanks!
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