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Old 10-18-2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: URGENT - Update from Pastor Nathaniel Haney

Tuesday, October 18th Update from Sister Joy Haney

The Lord God is at work. His ways are beyond finding out. He is great & greatly to be praised! We are walking in faith each day. Your prayers are working! Slight improvement yesterday. Brother Haney sat up in the chair, walked some, did all his health drinks, ate a salad, talked a little. My favorite words he said to me were "I love you!" I see the hand of God at work. You know we humans, it's never fast enough! But Jesus told the ruler of the synagogue, whose daughter had died, "Be not afraid! Only believe." I told God, "I'm not afraid, I'm waiting on You to raise him up-a complete Miracle!" I cannot stress enough "Please don't let up PRAYING. Only Jesus can heal Bishop Haney. He responds to Fervent Prayers of Faith-they avail much!!! Your PRAYERS are as gold to us. Prayer warriors we need you to continually bombard heaven for this miracle in progress!!!" Thank you & God bless you richly!!!
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