Re: Chester Hensley
i know it has been a while but if there is any earthly possibilty that i could some how get copies of chester hensleys preachin i would gladly pay for the trouble! oddly enough my mom was one of those ranch hands that often took care of his horse Cheyenne, they said he loved that horse something fierce. However i did want to tweek a few of the details posted as our families were close before his death. Instead of the miracle of moving sun it was actualy what appeared to be a star that moved, in the presence of over 60 other witnesses, how ever when his daughter{ a child hood friend of my mothers at this time} had scarlet fever, she testified that her dady took her up in his arms and they walked out side near the horse corral and he waved his hand over he and a light and heat like the sun shining appeared over her body from under his hand and moving his hand away the light dimmed and her fever was instantly gone. My grandfather was a close friend of his played the piano there at the first church on boston and great grandfather was his barber those that knew the church will remember the barber shop an house across the street from the boston church{which has since fell in dis repair and was set to be torn down after passing thru the hands of several. Though sadly yes after he passed many many became as the branhamite folk< some family} the man who took over the Ark just before he passed is Phillip Volk, and well i wouldnt care to comment much on that, the word tells us on some things it ought not be named once among us, but as it always seems to occure as soon as a man is lifted up and exalted, and glory is taken for our dear savior intentionally or not they always seem to make a exit soon after the exaltation{i.e. branham, allen, etc....} Concerning Randy Clark, we were members there and many former hensley folk went there, and it will cause a good chuckle to know that the young chauffeur in question driving the limo was 9 times out of ten randy clark himself{his regular driver}, which is brother hensleys nephew, his mother and sister hensley are sisters<precious ladies} and the mentioned prophecy was fairly common knowledge since so many heard it, and well yes some of that may well have come to pass, though he is still senior pastor, they no longer stay in the nederland area, however he was a greatly anointed pastor and evangelist at that time at a time of 9 month revival we saw hundreds saved, baptized in Jesus name and filled with the holy ghost{ yes they was still one God back in the 90's} And yes there were body guards, my cousin being one, brother hensley had a lot of folk that well didnt like him and flat out hated him so it was often needful, though from hearing first hand witness testimony, after seeing fire balls, the lights flicker and even candles light along the wall...... i doubt he needed them. Today there is one church that is still going on with the message, that is the truth he did preach and was birthed under his ministry in abbeville la, called light house for jesus, a real fiery bunch, and they still recall some of his prophecies from time to time when one comes to pass or something happens that they remember him talkin about an are pastered by donnie bolden and his wife prophetess anna bolden. Hope this maybe clears up sone crossed wires, here n there. He was certainly a prophet and made a great impact spiritually in my families lives.