Thread: Perplexed!
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Old 10-07-2011, 02:48 PM
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Re: Perplexed!

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
The subculture of Oneness Pentecostalism or "old-time" Pentecostalism is getting very small and i think that is a fact. I worried a few years ago that later in my lifetime no one will even believe me when I tell where I came from. Just go ask folks at Christ church and I bet you would run into a lot of people that have no idea. Of course, I could be wrong, I just have a feeling based on what has come out in this thread.
This is a part of my heritage and one that I do have some "nostalgic" feelingsabout. I have had to make a decision to cut ties, except on this forum and my parents and family, but the movement was a huge part of my life. I think I do have some understanding of the movement.

My sister who graduated top of her class at CLC has told me that out of her graduating class there are just a handfull that are still any kind of pentecostal. I know of several years in a row that this has happened. I don't have hard data but it looks that way to me. I wasn't trying to be offensive but just stating the conundrum that a church like CC might be. I do not envy this as I have already been through a nasty church split that happened because folks were trying to hold something together that just didn't have a prayer of working.

Very few outside OP will and can understand how a pentecostal feels. That is all I am trying to say. It sounds like folks are upset because they relate to the history and culture of old-time Pentecost and that isn't going to happen anymore at that church.

I appreciate your heritage and it sounds to me like you have a great family church that you guys attend. As long as no one rocks the boat everything will be ok.
It started out with a famly! A godly man and his wife and their eleven children. There are many more that have joined us and continue to join us as this old ship sails on. I wonder if old Noah had a problem with his family being the only ones who got on the ark. Now I don't think for a minute that we are the only ones that make up the church of the Living God. This vessel is only one of the "lifeboats" picking up lost souls as it sails on.

And don't think that this old "Ship" hasn't been rocked from time to time. Though she's been rocked, still she sails on.

I think what happens, there are too many who are like vehicles going down a busy throughfare. Those in the driver's seat get their eyes off the road ahead. They lose their focus and before they know it, they have drifted over into another lane, then another, etc. etc. First thing they know they have drifted right off the MAIN ROAD. Once off the MAIN road , and with all the busy traffic, etc, they just can't seem to find a place to get back on. Finally they seem to think it really doesn't make any difference if they get back on the MAIN Road or not. Sad to say, all that are in the vehicle with them go off too, including those that are following them.

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