Thread: Perplexed!
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Old 10-07-2011, 02:11 PM
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Re: Perplexed!

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Deltaguitar, I believe you are as OFF-BASE as you can be! If you could have heard our 18 yr old grandson preach a couple of Sundays ago, you would see what I am speaking about. There are still people who have never departed from what they received when they first believed. It was precious when it came and it is even more precious 53 yrs later. I was 18 yrs old when HE found me and as the years have passee as we walked together, our relationship had just become more precious.

Three generations of my husband and my marriage are following us and they are not confused. Landon preached about the woman at Jacob's well. His title was "Your Own Well Experience". An older couple that had been visited our church after not having gone to church for a long time, came and prayed back through (their words) after the sermon. Great renewal service.

If you have never received the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues, as the SPIRIT gives THE UTTERANCE, as you have claimed, your are not a source I would want to follow. I mean no offence, Deltaguitar. You are cheating yourself and those who follow you. When the blind lead the blind, they both fall in the ditch. Some follow men while others follow GOD! Falla39
Hey! Give me a little credit. I lost everything to follow what I see as truth. It hasn't been easy. Imagine if your grandson did decide to leave Pentecostalism yet still loved God, lived a Holy life, married a christian woman, and raised his children in the fear of God but was unable to continue because of his convictions I would hope that you would not reject him because of his convictions.

I am not some crazy charismatic who left so I could sin all I wanted.
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