Thread: Downward Spiral
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Old 09-23-2011, 09:47 AM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: Downward Spiral

The first thing not to do is make a decison in haste to leave. Although it's obvious you haven't done that, I'm just saying if you ever get to that point, hopefully it was from an attitude of "Well, I'm just sick and tired of it. I'm outta here."

Pray, pray, pray, as I'm sure you are doing. I've seen scenarios play out where some people left for whatever reason only after time to see a big change in leadership (i.e. the pastor resigns and thus a new one is voted in). Because I didn't know all details (and I would probably be wrong to pursue knowing), I've often wondered if those who left would consider coming back. I know. I've been in that same situation of leaving and coming back after several months went by, only to wonder "What if I would have stayed?" But, nevertheless, God is listening to those earnestly seeking Him, so your best bet would be to look at the substance behind the people, not just the people themselves, and pray for God's direction, both for you and your pastor/his wife, etc.
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