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Old 09-16-2011, 08:27 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Pat Robertson Advises Divorce

I think this is absolutely appalling.

This man is her HUSBAND. Being “bitter with God” is just an excuse. Because if he loved his wife so much to be “bitter”, he’d be caring for her until the day she died. I don’t believe him. I think he clearly doesn’t know what love is. This second woman is obviously just a “play thing” to him. I’m absolutely appalled. And Robertson advises divorce???!!! I knew he was a nutcase, but this is absolutely horrible. I pray he's just getting older and loosing his bearings.

I hope this “other woman” takes a good look at the kind of man this guy is, because if she becomes sick and unable to "romp' he’ll just leave her for a healthier more exciting model, just like he is doing with his current wife. If I was her I’d be shocked out of my mind and so disappointed in him, I’d leave him. I’d definitely not marry him, he obviously doesn’t know what love and marriage is all about.

It’s not a perfect world and I know that people are human. But here’s what I think…

Ethically speaking, this man needs to REPENT of his sin with this other woman FIRST. Second, IF he loved his wife at one time but in these circumstances has begun to truly find love with another woman, he needs to respect both of them in this painful reality. He must honor his vows and care for his ailing wife until her passing. Thirdly, if there is any decency in this man he’ll wait until his wife’s passing to move on with remarriage. Fourth, if there is any decency in this second woman she will REPENT of her sin with him and patiently wait until his wife’s passing out of RESPECT for both of them. After his wife’s passing, perhaps they should consider marriage.

Frankly speaking, this man divorcing his ailing wife to marry this woman is WORSE than if he were having a discreet affair with this other woman.

I can’t believe Robertson would suggest such a thing.

That's my opinion.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-16-2011 at 08:32 AM.
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