Originally Posted by tv1a;107889[B
It's funny but God has exposed those with the Jezebel spirit in our church. And it's not the folks wearing makeup with the jezebel spirit. It's the traditionalists who have caused the division. It's the traditionalist that is calling a former pastor to get coaching on how to the district to "fire" the pastor. (talk about ministerial ethics).lol
Good news is that it hasn't stopped the move of God. One man walked in off the street tonight and got the Holy Ghost in the back of the church and got baptized in Jesus name. That's four people with since the bruhaha two weeks ago. God has told us to have a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other. We haven't stopped building the Kingdom. We finally got a pastor with the guts to prune the tree from its dead weight.
We have severely wounded the enemy. I won't rest until that spirit is totally anihilated from our midst.
The JEZEBEL spirit is about CONTROL....Jezebel painted her face and looked out a window. I know we hear preaching about "painted faces" but does anyone preach against looking out a window?...She did that, too. LOL..Just kidding with you....I'm adding this request to pray about, too.