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Old 06-07-2011, 09:19 AM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: Are Infants Really Born Sinless?

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
here is one of the definitions of nature
The essential characteristics and qualities of a person or thing
what is one quality mankind shares save one? A sinful nature.

why is it man knew the law but broke it any way? When God stated you will die adam, yet adam disobeyed.
Yet every person since then has committed sin just like their father. save One
That means the rightous and the wicked both have committed sin

Were only made rightous through Christ,
Even Paul a man filled with the Spirit was waging war against his flesh

Saying the things i know i should do , i dont do, and the things i shouldnt do, that is which i do.

it doesnt matter the enviroment you grow up in. you could have the (so called) perfect home perfect education, perfect manners, but in the end we still sin.

Thats what we are, sinners.

again i believe were born innocent, but even kids will grow up to be a sinner, I know only one who didnt.

Sinfulness is a human charcteristic. its very much apart of our nature.
your points are totally missing the source of my point. You are arguing about current conditions of which one is brought up in which is not the point. My contrast is that of conditions originally of Adam to now. You are contrasting condition UNDER the curse. Apples and oranges. Also your reference to Paul is wrong. Most scholars believe is he referencing someone else.
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