Originally Posted by mfblume
Just take what Paul said. Adam's act made us sinners, and it did not say it made us prey for being sinners due to a curse.
seems I don't see your sin nature in the verse.
Man's curse is knowledge. Where are you getting this from? God did not curse man. And knowledge was not a curse either. God only cursed the ground for man's sake.
LOL... he cursed the ground and it would be against us. The law was knowledge yet also a curse. It was blessing and also a curse. LOL "for man's sake" LOL It was a curse against man. I find it funny you say he did not "curse man" YET you beleive we have a sin nature. Man is cursed with death which is external cursing. The ground was cursed which is a external cursing. Man is cursed with things that would bring question to him that was not the norm of his previous existance. That is knowledge. Adam faced his conditions which is new knowledge/trials he would have to deal with NOT BEING PROVIDED FOR. The knowledge of hunger, thirst, pain, death, love, hate in relation to his NEW enviroment apart from his original existance. All of this is application of situations to his emotions. Thus he brought THAT TO US! Thus knowledge of his circumstance, brings interaction with who he is and who God wants him to be. Having to provide, brings a certain knowledge of depravity he would have which would result in fear and still need to have faith. The counter to "faith" is other knowledge and possibility. This is basic natural law.
Here again is your legalism coming forth. We are not righteous because of obedience. Christ is made our righteousness, and being in Christ alone makes us righteous.
We are not in Christ unless we obey. CLEAR SCRIPTURE! Of course we are "righteous" in him. We are not IN HIM UNLESS WE OBEY! lol We cannot be considered righteous unless we obey and we cannot be considered righteous due to sin unless we follow him and his blood cleanses us from our sin. TWO ASPECTS! You make it a forensic righteousness only and that misses the WHOLE of what scripture teaches.
What made us righteous in 2 Cor 54:21? Obedience? No. Christ became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM.
Two different aspects see above. Christ righteousness brought forth the provision of right standing in him in which justice is done toward our sin through repentance. We are not IN HIM unless we obey which is true repentance..
Col. 1 shows that God is in Christ, and we are put IN CHRIST by faith, and thereby are also made righteous.
Faith is obedience. You are not in Christ unless you are obedient from the heart and offer yourself wholly to him.
This works based righteousness of yours has to distort what Romans 5 says cannot work with 2 Cor 5:21. You cannot get away from righteousness being justice. Righteousness is RIGHT STANDING as well. That has not room in your theology, though. Your view makes the flesh put its two cents' worth in there every time, and it leads to boasting.
No you simply don't get the multiple aspects but are just like reformed with a failed understanding how salvation is offered and how we
remain in right standing. Salvation is a mongergistic in source by a synergistic relationship. You have no standing without obedience. You claim works based on what I teach, shows you are clueless to what has been said.