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Old 06-07-2011, 06:10 AM
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Re: Are Infants Really Born Sinless?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Austin, consider this. Adam was not deceived. Eve was. Adam knew exactly what he was doing. There is more to meets the eye here. Adam did not want to lose Eve more than he wanted to serve God.

Adam was definitely perfect. He just made the wrong decision. After God made man He said it was VERY GOOD. Not just good.

Jesus had the same potential to sin as did Adam. He was tempted, but He sinned not. To be tempted means to have the desire to sin and to have sin appeal to sin. Was Jesus not perfect?
First of all as your read my post you can see I'm being coy. I agree with what you said concerning Adam and you and I are on the same page with the nature of man which to us is proven by their weakness to simply keep one commandment and Adams weakness to be alone with God one more time.

They wanted to do the right thing because they both knew what was right and who God was. But in the same paradox today in modern religions, men also know what the right thing to do is. But in their efforts if they are not spiritually changed by the power of Jesus and have not received the gift of the Holy Ghost, they do not have the power to overcome sin and be lead by the spirit of truth.
My point to those who might think there is no change in the spiritual area of a human and yet profess to know God, my question is how commeth thou unto him?

But Mike on this subject of the Bible I think you and I along with the truth of the atonement are perfectly aligned with the teaching.
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