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Old 06-06-2011, 08:30 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: Are Infants Really Born Sinless?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
It's possible they did have a sin nature but were innocent until they yielded to temptation.

However I don't believe that they were created with a sin nature. Wouldn't that mean they were created corrupted?
Yes it would. Either man was created upright or not. Because mankind received a fallen enviroment and other related conditions does not mean he was created with a "sin nature." Given true free choice and temptation means you will fail especially lacking overall knowledge in many respects. Adam and Eve did not need a sin nature to sin. They had motive and opportunity as all are given. I would say yes... if man was born with a "sin nature" which is a one sided view of mankind ability. It would be def be creating a corrupted creature. Natural law cleary teaches reasons why man does what he does and sin nature has nothing to do with it.
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