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Old 06-05-2011, 03:05 PM
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Re: Are Infants Really Born Sinless?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
If it was spiritual death alone it makes no sense. God had to remove Adam from the Garden so that Adam would not eat of the fruit of life and live forever. Live forever in what manner? Spiritually or physically? Applying that to spiritual death means that Adam was not spiritually dead when he sinned until after God removed him from the Garden. In other words, Adam would not spiritually die unless God removed him from the Garden. If Adam sinned, that was already spiritual death. God would not need to remove him from anything to have Adam spiritually die. The only thing that makes sense is Adam died spiritually the moment he sinned, and physical death would ensure unless God did not remove him from the tree of life. This makes the tree of life a remedy for sin let alone a provision of Life.
But this assumes the tree of life and living forever means physical and not spiritual OR...

Consider this..Adam and Eve would have died anyways. What kept them alive was regularly partaking of the Tree of Life? :-)
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