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Old 06-04-2011, 01:33 PM
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Re: Are Infants Really Born Sinless?

Originally Posted by Jacob's Ladder View Post
Here are two questions. You can search for the others on this thread. I'm leaving in a few and will return later.

Please solely answer the two questions only. Thank you.

Psalms 58:3
These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way.

Please describe David's comment of "people are born sinners."

David states in Psalms 51:5, "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me."

What did David mean by "I was sinful at birth?'

Psalms 58;3 This was written at a time when Saul was maliciously against David. David was not king yet and is speaking from a prophetic voice. The other problem here is the Judges were conducting themselves in an unrighteous way in dealing with the people.

David is directing verse 3 directly to them and declaring that they were recognized as being corrupt and wicked from birth even until that very hour in which David speaks. Basically he is saying; These people never changed their wickedness and nature since they were infants. As they were born into a world with a sinful nature, so they continued in it unto that day with their deeds manisfested to all.

Psalms 51:5 This psalm is David recognizing his sinful nature from the moment that he was born and even when he was conceived. His expression is toward God in acknowledgement of his spiritual condition at the time as well as his spiritual condition as God sees it. He basically was in agreement with God in due regard to his unrighteousness.. He is expressing what every sinner should recognize at the time of their conversion, they are sinners by nature and are aware of it therefore making them selves accountable unto God and the only way they can be saved is by the grace and power of Almighty God.

A point to be taken into consideration. Then in his time David also recognized there was not any remedy for his nature or his sin. He only tried to be honest with God in hope it would bring him mercy.

Today Jesus has offered before God an atonement for the sins of those in the old testament who died in faith, for those of the hebrews of Jesus time, and all the gentile people in the earth that the wrath of God and the Judgement of God would not fall on them as it did in the old covenant.

Freed us from the penalty of sin which is damnation. Damnation is applied in justified judgement because God is just and has always been both in old and new covenants.

In order for him to rightfully judge someone he would have to declare and recognize them accountable for their sins
When does that happen in a person life, No one can honestly and truthfully answer that. Only Jesus can because only he knows all things which pertain to life and the future of things.

But one thing for certain that we can stand on as truth in the judgement of the Lord toward us is recorded in the verse which I posted concerning our children when they are born.

I personally believe the blood of Jesus is the mediator which causes infants to be saved prior to their accountability.
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