Thread: Teklemariam
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:16 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Believes Jesus had real flesh just that was from no human origin. To some degree it had to be considering he had no human father.
Is the serpent seed doctrine and divine flesh doctrine the same thing ? Tekle from what ive been told was the type who always thought he got revelations that no one else got, all the way back to the beginning of his conversion to oneness, by bro and sis wendell (he was their first convert in ethiopia) i think he had believed this (by his revelation) for some time but no one ever said anything, until he wrote his book, then it all hit the fan.I think he is now supported by the trinitarians.Another brother has taken up the mantle, under much persecution and the oneness movement is flourshing under him from what ive heard.
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