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Old 05-19-2011, 04:48 PM
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Jerry Moon

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: End Time Things that never happened....

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Then there was Jonathan Urshan's forerunner of the man of sin in the desert. He had Urshan's dad walk in his shadow in searing heat like they were in an air conditioned room. He called fire down form heaven and killed a dove in his hand. He ate a small fruit and it was like a meal that lasted them all day. He had 666 on the sash of his robe.
God rest his soul, I remember that sermon like it was yesterday... what's it been? Over a generation ago?
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

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