Originally Posted by noeticknight
This is the seemingly "manufactured" process that I struggle with. From your words, it sounds as if your are inducing the experience.
For example, You give the rationale for the experience, and then you "induce" the experience; however, how do you clear the seeker of doubts about self-performance after one has obeyed these instructions?
Where are your Biblical directives for giving these instructions? Which scriptures give a solid assurance equal to the precision and confidence demonstrated in your presentation?
I ask these questions with all due respect and in sincerity.
You are right to be concerned. There are many charismatic churches where people literally teach how to speak in tongues. I've seen ministers stand at the front and teach people to say weird stuff like 'jubba jubba jubba' or some similar nonsense. This is nothing less than a cheap imitation manufactured by Satan. If you have ever experienced the true infilling of the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking with other tongues, it is a disgusting sight.
Receiving the Holy Ghost is not about the experience of speaking with tongues. Speaking with tongues occurs at the culmination of the infilling, and is the evidence that the Spirit has completely taken over your spirit. But until you speak in tongues, you haven't let the Spirit take complete control; you've merely let Him touch you. I'm sure many people are convinced they're filled because they felt that unmistakeable touch of God, but until you've been completely filled, you're missing out on a huge part. It's the difference between standing next to a fire, and standing in a fire. (speaking from an allegorical sense - I don't recommend standing in fire.)
As Pastor Keith explained, some people talk about speaking in tongues (talking about the Evidence here, not the Gift as relates to prophecies) as speaking out words in their mind. This may be how it works for some, however I will explain how it happens to me. When the Spirit comes upon me so strongly that I begin to speak in tongues, my tongue is literally out of my control. It is a very strange and amazing feeling. Now, when I say 'out of my control', that doesn't mean I can't stop it if I want to, but the actual speaking part is beyond my power. I'm not articulating words, but I can hear and feel them coming forth.
It is also a very emotional feeling. The power of God feels like water flowing over me and through me. That phrase 'out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water' is a
literal, physical feeling. I can feel God flowing down onto me like water, and then up and out of my midsection. It's the most indescribably wonderful feeling. It's like being in the safest, cleanest place you could possibly imagine. It feels like you're part of the biggest, strongest electrical current and you can defeat any demon, cure any sickness, or kick over Mt. Everest. It's a taste of the Love of God, and it's a taste of the Power of God.
I'm just trying to put it into words as best I can for those here who have not yet experienced this.
I can also feel when someone nearby is receiving the Holy Ghost, or is about to, because I can feel that same powerful presence of God. There is no doubting the infilling of the Holy Spirit is a real and powerful thing. It is far more than just a few tears of happiness as I contemplate nice things. It is a unique, one-of-a-kind feeling that I have never felt in any other setting (such as a concert, having sex, snuggle time with the wife, or any other emotionally charged event).
I've been to some churches where I never once felt this presence. I've been to churches that have fantastic music (for instance, a 'modern type' church with a friend, with people wearing flip-flops and whatnot). The music was great, they played the same songs my church plays, and they had a really good message and people prayed. But I never once felt even a tingling of that Presence that I feel around Holy Ghost filled believers.
Anyway, I know I didn't enlighten you with many verses and excellent logic and rhetoric to persuade your minds, but sometimes you just have to leap out by faith. For anyone who hasn't experienced the Holy Ghost as evidenced by tongues, or if you went to a church that 'taught' you how to speak in tongues, just give it a try. Sincerely ask God, 'If this is real, and there is more to this, please fill me with your Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues.' Then, begin to thank Him, praise Him, tell Him that you love Him and want more of Him. You will begin to feel a faint hint of emotion here and there as you entertain His presence, and when you do, grab onto that thread and follow it. As it grows stronger, don't be taken aback when you feel that emotion start to overtake you. Don't stop (as you may have done in the past). If you keep reaching toward Him with praise, you will eventually feel His presence descend upon you, you will feel that river of living water spring up inside you, and you will lose control of your tongue.
From that point on, you truly will feel like a New Creature.