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Old 04-19-2011, 06:28 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Explain these verses against eternal security?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post

Right. While not believing in OSAS, I believe that its difficult to lose your salvation. Basically, if you don't want to lose it, God's not taking it from you. In order to "lose" your salvation it seems one would have to life in open rebellion, unrepentance, and unbelief, endure the chastening of God which is meant to straighten them out, and reject his grace and mercy which would reach out to such a one in that situation. But if one persists in that unbelief and disobedience, I do certainly believe that God is not obligated to remember their righteousness (Ezekiel18:23-32).

HOWEVER, I used to think someone could "lose" their salvation or be "backslid" (which meant the same) by simply trimming their hair, missing church a few week (thus being termed "out" of church), wearing shorts or pants, and a multitude of silly things. I know of folks who in their own mind have been both lost and found (thorugh the falling "out of church" and "praying back through" doctrine) multiple times in a year, to say nothing of a week or even a day. Salvation is not a fickle thing, neither does it rest solely on our shoulders.
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