Originally Posted by notofworks
Oh, I absolutely think it SHOULD be changed and people within the system SHOULD fight for change. But while they're fighting for change, they should do exactly what they sign an oath to do. If a licensed minister owns a TV while swearing he won't, he actually DOES have a problem with TV! UP10 is right in his comparison of the internet and TV. But until the wording is changed it's an outright lie to sign having no intention of obeying.
Well... there wouldn't be anyone left within the system to fight for that change IF they actually practiced the affirmation statement. It's not just about them not having a TV. Isn't it also about them believing and preaching and teaching against TV? If someone didn't believe TV was wrong or wouldn't preach that it was wrong then it appears that person shouldn't sign the affirmation statement... which would leave only those who do believe and preach TV is wrong to sign it. Thus, no inside change would happen. So maybe ya can be a little more lenient on the belief and preaching against aspects of the affirmation statement?