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Old 04-05-2011, 01:35 PM
onefaith2 onefaith2 is offline
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Re: Television Issue!

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
You pick and choose with TV to. I don't watch commercials very often and even if I did, commercials? Really? I saw a commercial the other day abut toilet paper...,man that made me feel really guilty and want to run out and fornicate.

While on the other hand there are thousands and thousands of porn sites anyone can visit on the internet...commercial free!

The statistics are truly staggering. According to compiled numbers from respected news and research organizations, every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. Every second 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography. In that same second 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the U.S.

It’s big business. The pornography industry has larger revenues than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined. 2006 Worldwide Pornography Revenues ballooned to $97.06 billion. 2006 & 2005 U.S. Pornography Industry Revenue Statistics, 2006 Top Adult Search Requests, 2006 Search Engine Request Trends are some of the other statistics revealed here.

The amount of pornography on the internet can be difficult to fathom. A total of 4.2 million websites contain pornography. That is 12 percent of the total number of websites. There are 100,000 websites that offer pornography and 1 in 7 youths report being solicited for sex on the internet.

Some incredible statistics here
And this changes how? Have you done a study on TV porn also? Does that change the fact that TV itself spoon feeds you while you flip through channels to try and find something good to watch.
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