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Old 04-05-2011, 10:09 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: Gov giving freee cell phones!

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
I think that if alot of conservatice Christians were honest then they would admit they hate Obama, they hate Nancy Pelosi, and they hate many liberals, they hate women who have abortions, they hate gays, they hate muslims, they hate... Does that excuse me? Nope. But I understand it don't and also I don't try to cover it up and make myself sound Christianically Correct by saying I don't hate Christian people I just sometimes hate their actions. Of course that's probably closer to what I meant in Christianese... but to me and the rest of the non-christian world, saying you hate someone means you hate what they are doing and how they act because to us the person and their actions are so entertwined that we don't try to separate the two in our discussions.

I think Christians are too nit-picky about terminology because my concept of hating a person is not much different than their concept of hating a person's actions. So in my terminology it is very possible to hate Christians or anyone for that matter and for it not to be wrong. It all depends on what is meant by the word hate.
Don't tell me, you're a Bill Clinton devotee? (J/K!)

We can't go around disputing the definition of words. The dictionary is clear and more importantly, God is clear.

There are alot of actions done by others that bring us grief and affect us profoundly. However, as Christians, we are simply not giving the luxury of hatred.
The Word says we shall know them by their "fruit", and hatred is of only one spirit.
As Christians we are to overcome. So, if anyone has problems with hatred, we can do what the Word says; to exchange our carnal minds for the Mind of Christ.

Jfrog, I really like you. I think you're an honest person who tries to do what you think is best. Hatred seems to be beneath you and I hope you will re-think the idea of throwing around definitions and words too casually.
God says the power of life and death is in the tongue. God knows I need major help in that area too. But, I really try and not "hate" anyone...nope, not even Obama. I try often to think of what a great example he is as a family man to this nation. It's hard to "hate" anyone if you're doing as the Word says; "if anything be of good report...think on these things".

That doesn't mean I'll be voting for him, but I can honestly say I do not hate him or any of the people you listed. I certainly do not hate women who have had abortions, either.

But, anyway Jfrog, carry on....God has you in His Sights and Hands.

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